The Tab’s Top Ten Tracks
This Week, GEORGE OSBORN sums up the deadline panic in ten tracks
It’s week five, Valentines Day was on a Sunday and everyone has the mid February flu and as a result 99.9% of the university population has slacked behind on their work. With my essay deadline on Thursday and having done fuck all reading, this week’s playlist could only be dedicated to one thing and one thing alone: deadline panics.
Walk on the Wild Side – Lou Reed
Hey, it’s cool. I’ve got ages left to do this piece of work. Sure I can come for that coffee/to the pub/to mourn the college cat’s death, everyone is so het up about work nowadays aren’t they?
Time is Running Out – Muse
What do you mean you’ve moved my Supervision forward by two days? And you’ve added work to the reading list? Jesus Christ, I knew I should have started work sooner!
The Kids Don’t Stand a Chance – Vampire Weekend
Well actually, it’ll be ok won’t it? No-one else is going to do the work for this Supervision are they? Other than (insert keen workers name here) but I’ve got friends so sod ‘em.
Stress – Justice
Hang on a minute…..(insert dossers name here) is doing the work? Holy shit, I really am going to have to do this but I’ve only got a day and a half left. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!
Pressure Point – The Zutons
Four books, three Red Bulls and 22 hours left to finish this. That’s doable right? Probably best I go to the UL for this one though…..
Optimistic – Radiohead
Yeah, not going badly actually. I think I’m going to get it done in time. Am pretty tired though, keep thinking the words on the pages are dancing when I shut my eyes though. Odd….
Also Frightened – Animal Collective
But what happens if they thinks it’s crap? I’m not having anywhere near enough time to check this one through this week…what happens if they have a random uni wide purge of crap candidates?!
15 Minutes – The Strokes
Oh sod that, I’ve got to hand this in. And they want me to print it out for them and put it in their pidge? Gits, let’s hope the bike chain holds……
Race for the Prize – The Flaming Lips
Yes, I can make this! Oh fuck off tourists, get out of the way I’ve got something far more important to do than take pictures of the Corpus bloody Clock! It’s just a bloody locust!
Success – Jay-Z feat NaS
Yes my supervisor may just have been walking out of College as I handed my work to him, but that doesn’t matter it still counts as on time. Ahhhhh……Cindies anyone?