Taka Taka on Bridewell Street suffers a smashed window after riots

One student said that the rioters went “too far”

The Taka Taka opposite Bridewell police station fell victim to the consequences of the riots after Bristol’s “Kill The Bill” protests yesterday.

The Greek restaurant and take-away, a favourite amongst students across Bristol, continued service while lines of riot police marched by, protestors set fire to police vehicles and let off fireworks in the street.

In some footage, Deliveroo drivers were seen trying to get to the restaurant and reasoning with the riot police to let them through.

As light of day revealed the damage that was left, it became clear that one of Taka Taka’s windows had been shattered.

Destruction was primarily targeted towards the Bridewell police station and police property, where protestors managed to graffiti “F*** the Police” on the station’s walls and shatter its windows. The graffiti was removed this morning.

The streets surrounding Taka Taka and the police station were also left charred from vehicle fires.

One student described the rioters actions towards Taka Taka as taking things “too far”.

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