There was a power cut in PJM and Penglais Fferm last night

It lasted for a few hours

Last night the PJM and Penglais Fferm halls were affected by a powercut which left them without electricity for more than an hour.

The University sent out emails apologising to those students left without lights and power who were probably working on essays and pulling all-nighters to finish off that diss intro that they were meant to write weeks ago.

The power outrage affected both Pentre Jane Morgan and Penglais Farm, some of the biggest accommodation blocks on campus. Both accommodations host hundreds of students.

The university communicated that Scottish Power restored power at around 4am. The press office said: “During this time the fire alarm panels in your house / block may beep, however the fire alarm system will continue to work efficiently. Our porters will also be patrolling the area during this time.”

Tom, third year Interpol student was lucky enough not to spend the night awake. He told us: “I was asleep, can’t really say I was affected, but apparently the power went for an hour then came back, the wifi stayed on, the water pressure went.”

Shaun, Software Engineering third year, was more affected by the drop out. He said: “Yes, there was a powercut up the hill, not much light pollution in town and zero the other side, clear sky, no moon, winter, got a pretty cool night’s sky.

Nice of them to issue an email when the routers were all out!”