What your Aber study space says about you

Rosser Lounge all-nighters anyone?

Finding a good place to buckle down and do some reading or smash out an essay can be hard – especially when your room is full of distractions. The moment Microsoft Word is turned on, you crave for some good YouTube distractions and a trip to the shop.

There’s plenty of areas in Aber to practice your procrastination methods. Here’s what they all say about your personality.

Old College Library

It’s quite the ghost town…

Maybe it’s the fact that you’ll never find a fresher here, the way it actually feels like an old study room, or the views of the sea bashing against the promenade, but there’s a certain “je ne sais quoi” about the Old College that attracts properly pretentious fuckwits. Yeah it’s nice and all, but the kind of person who will actively walk down through shit weather just to go to the Old College is making a statement – Rosser and PJM Lounge are just too plebeian.

Facebook-Free Area

The name of the room talks for itself. You would expect mainly super concentrated people working on their assignment 24/7. But even if the area is Facebook-free the website still loads. At least it’s a good place where there’s psychological support for your study: the stickers on the wall with the prohibition signs keep reminding you that you shouldn’t use Facebook.

The big blue “F” is too tempting however and you check it at least twice before starting your work. Eventually when you start studying you don’t get distracted anymore. The area is really quiet and usually there are just few people. You’re an odd breed of people, but pleasant.

Your bedroom

Netflix and American Civil War anyone?

If you study from home you  just love being comfy and just can’t work without your creature comforts. You just can’t work in the library. Too many people. You can’t play my music and if you go to one of those study rooms it’s just too cold. This is why your own house is way better.

If you get hungry you can just go to the kitchen and get some food or tea and biscuits. You can also change your position free from others judgment, from the chair and desk to the bed, to the floor, to the kitchen or the living room or to one of my flatmates rooms. Hell, if you so choose you can sprawl naked across the rug in your room and no-one is going to think any different of you.

Short Loan Collection

You love people-watching, but don’t want to be interrupted by people stopping by to talk to you all the time. You’re definitely not in first year anymore, and have learned to respect the value of plugs and a free printer/computer.

You also take your studies seriously, which is why you avoid floor E which is packed with all the cool kids, but you really don’t want to miss out on the comforts of drinking your cup of tea and having lunch without the library personnel snapping at you. The Short Loan Collection is the best blend between Floor E and F.

Rosser Lounge

You’re at uni for two things: studying and socialising. While many sway one or the other you maintain this perfect balance by going out and partying five days before a deadline. Three days away you’ll go to the library and get some books, and then the last two days are spent in Rosser Lounge, maybe an all nighter stocked up on Red Bull and Doritos. The chairs are comfy, smoking breaks are easy and frequent, but more importantly in the dead of night it’s silent there. An educated guess puts you at a regular 2:1 grade essay in, essay out.

Floor F Beanbag Corner

Tucked away behind shelves of political documentation is a small alcove occupied by a large red beanbag. Hiding in this spot allows you to hide away from the rest of the library and get on with your reading whilst sinking deeper into a beany study spot. There’s also nothing better than watching the awkwardness consume somebody when they discover you in their spot and they have to pretend to be searching for a specific 1950’s UN document.