Morrisons is donating all its unsold food to charity

It’s still safe to eat, after all

Morrisons supermarket is one of 500 stores to donate all unsold food to charities in the local area.

Starting in the early months of next year, the local Morrisons store will donate all unsold fresh fruit, vegetables, tinned and packaged food to local charities and community groups in Aber.

This is a major turn in the company’s strategy, as Morrisons currently sells all unsold food to generate energy rather than provide aid to the poor.

The supermarket discounts its products before the due date in order to minimise food waste, or recylces the unsold fruit and vegetables in its staff canteens.

The new system is based on a trial that has been carried out across 100 stores across the north-east of England. The participating stores donated all food that was still safe to eat to groups and communities that were willing to use it in a charitable manner.

Marine Biology third year Lloyd said: “I think it’s a sick idea. I don’t know why all other supermarkets don’t do it. I just hope they still have a reduced section though.”

“I think it’s a good idea, we need more supermarkets to give food instead of waste it. And I’d rather the food goes to people in need instead of the supermarket selling it for their own profit”, tells us third year Helen.