Rejoice as uni divulge they scrapped tampon tax months ago

They axed it in February

aber su sanitary products tampon tampon tax

Pioneering staff decided to slash the controversial tampon tax months ago.

The five per cent tax on sanitary products was removed by the Union three months ago, back in February.

The change happened when the Feminist Society courteously requested a change in the price of tampons and other sanitary products, and the union were all to happy to accommodate.

The decision to tax the items, which are not deemed a “necessity”, has sparked outrage nationwide.

But not at our progressive university, which offers the reduced price products in the Union.

A spokesperson for the Union Shop said: “As sanitary protection is often a time-sensitive purchase, we felt we had a social responsibility to reduce the price and make it more affordable.”

The Union aims to make them even cheaper if they can find a competitively priced NUS supplier, The Tab can also reveal.

Second year International Politics student Jason Ledger said: “I’m glad our Union was the first to come to its senses and cut the cost, it’s an unfair and stupid tax.”

So if you need cheap, non-taxed sanitary products, the Union is the place to go.