Here’s who all the British Tories would be as evil Christmas characters

The Grinch who stole Christmas or the politician who stole the British economy?

As the festive season is well underway and the tragic year that has been 2022 comes to a close, the one logical thing to do is to compare our questionable British politicians to the evil characters that have been blessing our screens this Christmas. The Grinch who stole Christmas or the politician who stole the British economy? Twins mate.

1. Boris Johnson – Buddy the Elf

The only way one can describe Boris Johnson is as a mess. The chaotic blonde hair and the downfall of the British economy…its’ not looking good brev. Johnson holds an incredible likeness to Buddy the Elf. Whilst Buddy is not a Christmas villain in any sense, he is incredibly annoying and personally am not a fan of Will Ferrell, nor Mr Bojo.

2. Rishi Sunak – The Grinch

If you ignore the last half an hour of the movie where it turns out that the Grinch actually has a heart and doesn’t actually end up stealing Christmas, his evil vibes at the beginning of the film greatly resemble Rishi Sunak’s plan for England. Cutting back on free school meals and government benefits? Trying to steal Christmas if you ask me Mr Sunak. Is this blasphemy if I speak unwell of our Prime Minister? Unsure.

3. Matt Hancock – Ethan from The Holiday

Ethan’s small role in the holiday consisted of him cheating on his girlfriend, Amanda, who is played by Cameron Diaz. On top of that, he also looks a lot like Matt Hancock. Matt’s face blended on Ethan’s with too much ease.

4. Nigel Farage – The short robber from Home Alone

I would like to believe that Nigel Farage would be outsmarted by a five year old. His lack of empathy for other human beings puts him on the same wavelength as the short robber guy from home alone, the more evil of the pair.

5. Theresa May – The tall robber from Home Alone

This is a very different person to the short robber. The tall robber was just running off of vibes and money. Theresa May energy.

6. Priti Patel – Ebenezer Scrooge

Scrooge was the most bad vibes Christmas character I could think of. He’s rich, corrupt and immoral. He lacks any ability to show the poor any respect and he’s pretty rude too. Maybe the ghost of Christmas future will visit Priti one day and she’ll get the shock of her life. Bah Humbug.

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