Brixton gentrification

People are rinsing an American TikToker for going to Brixton – and this is why

‘Yums for my tums’

American TikToker @karen.akc is being heavily criticised for creating content in and around Brixton, after one of her videos went viral on Twitter.

Karen is known for making videos in London, with her bio even stating “I create London content.” But her Brixton TikTok – which now has 89k views – simply didn’t sit well with a lot of people.

Individuals on Twitter are even calling her “mad” for making the video, with one person saying: “Shooting some gentrified shit does not mean this is what the entire place is like. It’s just embarrassing.” So, why are people so upset over the video? And has the TikToker said anything in response?

The TikTok was posted two days ago (7th August), and, to be honest, Brixton didn’t really *look* like Brixton. Karen’s camera seemed to only pan towards a ton of Franco Mancas, as well as artisan bars and coffee shops.

Immediately, comments came in about the borough’s gentrification, pointing out that the video erased any traces of “history and culture.” People were calling it “sad-looking,” while others joked about “Brixton’s yassification”.

It wasn’t long before the video made its way to Twitter. User @sih4am tweeted the TikTok with the caption: “nah this is mad.” Comedian Munya Chawawa parodied the video almost instantly, complete with “Bricky Wicky” and “*laughs in kombucha*”.

Someone pointed out the video may have been edited “to avoid any semblance of Black/Caribbean culture,” while another said the “Black/multi-ethnic, working class areas are so attractive to gentrifiers.”

Others highlighted the history of racism in Brixton – user @_JackPBrown talked about David Copeland, and the bomb attack he targeted at Black people in 1999.

Karen did not immediately respond to our request for comment.

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Featured image via @karen.akc on TikTok and @munyachawawa on Twitter before edits.