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Company apologise for posting rejected intern’s bikini pics on Instagram

The owner said it was a ‘very human mistake’

Last week, a marketing company in America, came under fire for shaming an internship applicant over a bikini picture on Instagram.

Emily Clow, 24, applied for a Marketing Coordinator role at Kickass Masterminds. She didn’t get the job, but instead of giving her personal feedback, the company shared a screenshot of her in a bikini on their Instagram, publicly telling everyone they wouldn’t hire her because of a photo she posted in June.

After the story went viral, Kickass Masterminds turned their Instagram on private and an hour after that, the website went down for "scheduled maintenance."

Six days later, the company has issued an apology to Emily Clow for their behaviour.

The statement from owner Sara Christensen was originally posted on the 7th of October. It reads:

"In a very human moment, I made an error in judgment by posting to my Instagram stories about a job applicant’s online persona.

"To anyone watching: I am a great case study in what NOT to do.

"To Ms. Clow: I apologise for my behaviour. I intended you no harm. I should never have made that post.

"To those I serve through my business and who have trusted my counsel: Many of you have been affected by this very avoidable event. There are no words to describe how sorry I am that you have felt the consequences of my poor decision. You deserve better and I’ve let you down. I will do my best to earn back your trust.

"I have absolutely learned a lesson in this event, and while I’m not ready to publicly address it in detail, I will let you know if or when that changes."

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