
Clever girls are more attractive than girls with big boobs, says expert

This changes the dating game forever

Fit uni: Who’s the best looking in the country?

Probably not Hull

21-year-old dies after taking contraceptive pill

Fallan Kurek was taking combined pill Rigevidon

Booty shorts are the only shorts you should be wearing this summer

Sun’s out bums out

Kitty on fleek: These are the best clubbers in the country this week

Gimme brain like NYU

Why aren’t you shaving with peanut butter, guac or hummus yet?

‘This is the closest shave I’ve had in a while’

Get to grips with Yo Pro style: Fashion tips from young professionals

Their wardrobes will put yours to shame

Is vandalising a war memorial ever OK?

You told us your thoughts

Porn has made male students useless at chatting up girls, says top prof

Looking at girls on the internet means you’re too scared to speak to them in real life

Yeah ur mum: This is what it’s really like to have a beautiful mother


Slutty ankles: Your naked legs sum up the crisis in modern masculinity

Why do you think anyone wants to see them

No spray, no lay: Club toilet attendants are selfless nightlife heroes

Don’t take the piss, they’re the reasons your hands don’t smell of it

Forget Modafinil: We’re all snorting ‘dangerous’ new study drug Noopept

Turns out burying your nose in a book isn’t enough any more

Bumper revision special: Who’s the best dressed on campus this week?

And when we done I make him buy me Balmain

It’s back: Here are the best clubbers in the country this week

We have reached peak squad

Revealed: Which unis slap out the most thirds

Third is the word

Why The Tab is voting Labour tomorrow, despite everything

Sorry Dad

Men enjoy wake-up sex most – but women peak between 11pm and 2am

Men prefer your morning breath

What does 100 calories of your favourite food ACTUALLY look like?

Prepare to be gutted

Elections are next week: Who are you going to vote for?

At least nobody said UKIP

‘Porn nearly made me kill myself’: York graduate speaks out about his addiction

He didn’t watch porn or masturbate for 100 days in an attempt to cure himself