Easiest assignment ever
The PSAs circulated are completely untrue
From now on I’m using this as an excuse for why he won’t text back
If being addicted to your phone is wrong then I don’t want to be right
When you open your mind to the unique kind of infiltration a conspiracy theory presents, even the most rational, politically aware, and educated individual can fall down the rabbit hole
‘Bring back firearms classes to public schools’
According to a ranking by The New York Times
A former addict and recovery organization founder explains why
It’s all pretty tragic tbh
I mean, groundbreaking
‘They claim they’re victims of discrimination and the university’s process violates Title IX’
I would bet he’s never washed his hands once
‘We’re going to stand up for the vulnerable, for the poor, for the marginalized’
‘When I found out, I passed out twice and cried’
People aren’t even mad anymore
Economics and Business majors are the ‘the darkest group’
Were they always this tough?