What are you giving up for lent?

This may not quite be what Jesus had in mind

This well known religious tradition gives us the chance to challenge ourselves, test our determination, perseverance, and maybe crack a bad habit- but have these guys got the right idea?

 Harry, First Year, Journalism

Harry has decided that for lent, he is giving up his much loved pints. He has accepted that beer isn’t good for you, and has made the executive decision to ditch the Moonshine in exchange for the ‘healthier’ options of vodka and whiskey.

Beth, Third Year, English Literature

Beth once took an Uber to and from KFC, we don’t really have to say anymore.

Collette, Second Year, English and History

After taking a long, hard look at herself, Collette has decided it’s time to see to her bitchiness. However, she’s finding it hard adjusting to the removal of bitching from her day to day life. She’s also worried that admitting her commitment on here may make it harder to stick to. Let’s hope she change her ways.

Will, First Year, Journalism  

Long distance relationships can be hard, but also convenient when you want to give up something like this for lent! This one might be pretty easy for you, Will!

Katie, Third Year, Maths

Now this, is a huge commitment. Not just her favourite soft drink, but all alcohol. After waking up with a dreadful hangover on the first day of lent, Katie decided it was time to take a break from the bevs. If the sesh calls, you must resist!

Ed, Third Year, Engineering and Architecture

Ed has sacrificed himself in order to answer the question we’ve all wanted the answer to since 2004. Can you live without Facebook?

Abbie, First Year, Journalism

“If you gave me 5 million hobnobs I’d eat them in a day”