The LCR suffers from a bit of an identity crisis…

#tuesdays lcr norwich lcr uea clubs uea union

UEA Ents have rebranded Tuesday Fancy Dress LCR as #Tuesdays.

Yes, dear reader, you did read that correctly. Our favourite fancy dress night (most notable for its Hallowe’en extravaganza, which last year boasted students dressed as the human centipede) has been renamed as a hashtag.

As if it wasn’t already grim enough.

Tuesday night LCRs have always been the slightly poorer cousin of the majestic Saturday night A-List, and now it has the embarrassing name to match. The Tab are still trying to work out if, said in an ironic way, #Tuesdays could ever sound acceptable. The answer is, most likely, no.

Reactions to #Tuesdays have, so far, been mixed. Recently graduated Jordan Wild said simply ‘I loathe it’. Third year Ella Sharp was slightly more pragmatic. ‘I actually think #Tuesdays is a fine name. People need to stop being so negative. Cringe name for a cringe night.’

The Tab’s favourite reaction comes from one David Dutttywood Woodward. He left a relatively menacing threat on the Offical LCR Facebook page, ‘I don’t know who you are. I don’t know what you want. If you are looking for hashtags, I can tell you I don’t have Twitter. But what I do have are a very particular set of Bantz; Batnz I have acquired over a very long academic career. Bantz that make me a nightmare for people like you. If you rename “‪#‎Tuesday‬” now, that’ll be the end of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don’t, I will look for you, I will find you, and I will kill you’. Quite.

The LCR team have also announced a set of new theme nights, including Pokemon, Universally Challenged (dress as your course), and Hipster. This comes after a controversy amongs Union officals, who deemed themed nights such as Pimps and Hos and Chavs and Emos to be offensive.

For the first time ever, a £17.50 pass is available to buy that entitles the holder to entry to #Tuesdays for the entire term. The Tab will offer up a pass to anyone who can convince the Union to change the monstrosity that is #Tuesdays before it’s too late…

In the mean time, we’ll see you all at Returners LCR. One amazing night that they’re never going to be able to rename.