We’ve hidden SIX Ram Jam TRANSMISSION tickets in the library

We’ve done it again


Everyone’s fed up of revision now and has lost all motivation, so we thought we’d be lovely and give you a better reason to procrastinate by hiding SIX Transmission tickets in the library.


They’re in here

Your well deserved revision break could land you the best end to exams with one of 3 pairs of tickets to see the legend that is David Ram Jam Rodigan at the Albert Hall this Friday.

Image: Jack Kirwin

The line-up headlined by Rodigan also includes Shy FX, DJ Hype, Toddla T and Wookie.

Here’s how to find your tickets…

Location 1: RED

Quick Google search?

Location 2: HIGH DEMAND

Easy peasy lemon squeezy 


Location 3: BLUE

You’ll find them somewhere between Nepal and Goa…




When you find one of the three envelopes, tweet @TheTabManch with a picture or message our Facebook page. 

Good luck!