Your guide to Durham’s dialect
Because we’re too intelligent for actual English
Durham people talk a lot of shit. Here’s a very quick guide to understand what they’re going on about.
Bantah: A hilarious and often belittling joke at another’s expense. The producer of such comedy will probably also be a massive lad, who will confirm his other friend’s ability do also create top bants by shouting this word with feeling and sincerity.
(At least they have) Great Craic: Lay claim to how you’re actually an eighth Irish and pull out some outstanding chat. A patronising adjective used to describe an unfortunate pull of your housemate’s, but endearing all the same.
Classic not classic: For all those moments that are just so original but have actually happened to every other person alive. This phrase will be particularly prominent after some good craic following a night out.
Dreamy: Congratulations. You’ve just avoided a major drama, a phenomenally traumatic first world problem.
Buddy: Someone you love like you love your dog. Or like an American.
Mate: Because Durham is like a family, and we’re all best fwends. Plus, after a particularly disgusting night in Klute, you’ll probably make one of these people your “mate” for a few regrettable hours anyway.
Squad Goals: You think you’re on point. You think you look sick. This insanely edgy photo was probably taken on the Salt Flats in Utah by some members of Hatfield.
Binned: You were just so tragically drunk you little rebel. The bravest of you were so intoxicated you got with a local, yet the only sausage most of you were eating was from Subway.