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The University of Bristol adopts IHRA definition of antisemitism in full

The definition will help to prevent anti-jewish racism within the university

The University of Bristol has adopted the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism in full. The definition will be used to help the University tackle anti-Jewish racism and prevent future antisemitic incidents.

The university initially refused to adopt the IHRA definition, due to concerns over freedom of expression. The IHRA definition helps to protect Jews from manifestations of antisemitism including: targeting the state of Israel, denying the Holocaust or justifying the harming of Jews in the name of radical ideology.

The Union of Jewish Students (UJS) and Bristol J-Soc, who staged a protest for the adoption of the definition outside Wills Hall Conference Centre, now expect this definition to be used in all outstanding disciplinary cases.

The former president of UJS and Bristol university graduate, Hannah Rose, also tweeted: 'Thrilled that Bristol Uni have FINALLY adopted IHRA after years of denial and offence to Jewish students.'

The UJS will be working alongside the university to help prevent antisemitism. They also encouraged the university to help other minority groups facing racism: 'It is also welcome that the University plan to work with other minority groups regarding definitions of other forms of racism'