Petition started to create an official Bristol flag

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A petition has appeared online calling for Bristol to have its own flag, instead of the current coat of arms that adorns the city’s buildings.

The petition which is currently on the city council’s petitions board as garnered only 28 signatures so far, but will hopefully see a bigger interest as thousands of students return to the city.

The leader of the campaign, Thomas Rasche, explained that: ‘Currently, the City of Bristol does not have a flag. It has a coat of arms, a seal and Bristol City Council has a logo and emblem.’

The current coat of arms shows a ship leaving a castle and reflects the city’s illustrious trading and shipping industry. Rasche argues that he was inspired to petition to change Bristol’s principle image following Roman Mars’s TED talk on flag design.

Rasche argues that a new ‘unifying identity’ for the city ‘will cross the county borders which currently divide the city’, and that a competition involving community members would decide exactly what should newly adorn the Wills Memorial Building.