Scott Mills came to the library and played Innuendo Bingo

Some books got very wet

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, or in Penparcau, you may have noticed that on Thursday the campus and students’ union were taken over by BBC Radio One as a part of the Scott Mills Student Tour.

As part of their five day tour across the country, Scott Mills and Chris Stark brought their regular one till four show to the Student Union’s Picturehouse. With very limited tickets to the event available for free from the Cwtch bar on the day, they disappeared very quickly.

The rest of campus still got the Radio One love however, with a giant glittery sign and a rickshaw taking precedence on the Arts Centre plaza.

All of the glitz and glam

The show transformed the Picturehouse from its dull and usually forgotten about self into a hive with so much to look at. On the bookshelves on the back there were such odd items as an Xbox 360, some vinyl records and even a megaphone; every time you looked again you would find something new.

There’s more clutter there than a student’s living room

The show, although on the road and with a live audience, still followed its regular formula. Plenty of music was played, there were radio talk topics and of course the notorious Radio One games that we all listen to and claim, yeah, I could win that so easily.

One of the games played was right at the end of the show and happens every day on the Scott Mills show, and that is “Real or No Real.” For this game Scott called up BNOC himself, Lewis Donnelly, Aber’s Student Union President to go head to head against veteran Christ Stark tried his best but still only came out with a draw of 10 – 10 (not that anyone knows how the game is actually scored).

(Credit: @BBCR1 Twitter)

The ultimate moment of afternoon however was definitely the game of “Innuendo Bingo” played from the uni’s own Hugh Owen Library.

Chris was the only one in the library who could hear the innuendo clips and so there were students working in the background with absolutely no idea of what was going on.

If you missed this one, absolutely take seven minutes to watch it.

One of those lucky enough to watch it live, third year History, Alice Jackson though that “the live show was very funny.

“It was interesting to see how everything works behind the scenes as well, but Scott and Chris hardly interacted with the crowd while they weren’t on air and to be honest I found that rather disappointing.”

Another, third year International Politics and History, Jess Stafford said she “thought it was a good afternoon! Especially because it was free.

“And it was also nice to see something like that happening in Aber, we dont get enough good stuff happening here and so it made a nice change from doing the same old stuff all the time.”


“speedy selfies”

Come the end of the afternoon, the producer to the show Will Foster told the crowd who were eagerly awaiting with their best selfie faces that they had to shoot off so no photos, to which absolute legend Scott told the crowd they had one minute for ‘speed selfies’.

It looked ridiculous.