The government has created a new career quiz, and the results are ridiculous

Brb starting my career as a lighthouse keeper!!!

The government has launched a new career quiz which aims to tell you what sort of job you should be in, based on your skills and work preferences.

The quiz itself is quite simple, but the results it gives you are a bit of a joke. People on Twitter have been sharing their recommendations of becoming a lighthouse keeper, microbrewer and cake decorater. The test comes after Rishi Sunak faced huge backlash after basically suggesting that all musicians should get another job. He said: “I can’t pretend that everyone can do exactly the same job that they were doing at the beginning of this crisis. That’s why we’ve put a lot of resource into trying to create new opportunities.”

Here’s how to take the new government careers quiz, and some of the best examples of people’s bizarre results.

government careers quiz, career, quiz, test, job, government, how to, take, find, results, funny, memes, explained

The government career quiz is really easy

All you need to do is:

• Go to the national careers service on the gov website here.

• You’ll then be prompted to take the new quiz.

• You answer a series of questions about your skills, work ethic and mindset on a scale of “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”.

• You’ll then get told which area of work suits you best.

• To be given a precise role that fits you, you click on the area of work you are most suited to and answer a few more questions.

• Then as if by magic your new career is ready to go!!!

government careers quiz, career, quiz, test, job, government, how to, take, find, results, funny, memes, explained

The results people are getting from the government career quiz are absolutely hilarious

And the award for the best one goes to:


Take the quiz for yourself here. 

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