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If you eat loads of hummus you’re healthier and will live longer, says science

Who knew eh


We spend so long agonising over whether Asda's hummus or Tesco's hummus is the best. Christmases are ruined arguing whether red pepper or Moroccan is the best variety. All the while, we lost sight of the real truth: hummus is the best.

And now, science has confirmed that. After digging around, a pattern has emerged: eating tons of that sweet chickpea goodness will make you healthier, and keep you alive longer.

Here are all the reasons why.

It stops you putting on weight

Eating hummus can "promote healthier functional outcomes (e.g., weight management)," say American nutritionists Wallace, Murray, and Zelman in a study into the health benefits of hummus, a research topic which makes your dissertation seem so boring.

It'll keep your skin looking great

People who eat hummus also have increased levels of Vitamin A, that lovely little thing that encourages healthy skin cell production.

And that lovely skin stays lovely for longer

Hummus eaters get 119 milligrams of Vitamin C per day, compared the paltry 86.4 non-hummus eaters get.

If this sounds impressive, it's because it is.

Vitamin C stops your skin ageing as fast, according this paper in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

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It's face cream that you don't actually have to put on your face

It genuinely might help you live longer

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) is one of the UK's leading causes of death, claiming 42,000 lives prematurely each year.

"CVD is responsible for 38 per cent of male and 37 per cent of female deaths before the age of 75," according to Heart UK.

Step up hummus, the hero we've all been waiting for.

"Emerging research suggests that chickpeas and hummus may…have a positive impact on some markers of cardiovascular disease (CVD)," says the Wallace study.

It might stop you gurning on a night out

Yes, hummus is only consumed by the purest of souls, but some do stray from the chickpea-paved path.

And for those, the extra magnesium one gets from eating hummus can help your jaw stay in the right place during a big night.

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Sorry, but these are the only drugs I need

It helps with anaemia

If you're iron deficient, hummus might not do the whole job of getting your levels up, but it won't harm.

It can boost your iron levels to 17.4 milligrams per day, versus 15.8 for non hummus eaters (aka losers), according to Wallace et al.

You'll find it easier to go to the loo

Not to get too gross about it, but the high fiber content in hummus helps you go.