We asked what you thought of cheerleaders

Because why the hell not?

And I’m happy to tell you that no one said ‘boobs’ or ‘clapping’, you go York.

We wanted the first three words that came into your minds when we said ‘cheerleader’.

Grace Moxon, Second Year Psychology, Cheerleader 

“Cheery, fun and sporty!” 

Annabel Hawkins, First Year Law

“Fun, team work and impressive”

Emma ‘Sandy’ Sanderson, Fourth Year French and Linguistics, Cheerleader

“Family, strength and sassy!”

Josh Dodson, First Year Mathematics

“Springy, jolly and winners!”

Jonathan Co, Fifth Year/Masters Computer Science, Cheerleader

“Dedication, team spirit and hard”

Gaby Kendrick, First Year English Literature 

“Girls, Glee and pom-poms”

Laura Evans, First Year Sociology, Cheerleader

“Confident, strong and dedicated”

Amy Ward, First Year Theatre

“Noise, energy and positivity”

James McLean, First Year Computer Science, Cheerleader

“Intense, pushed to your limits, welcoming and committed”

Heather Laws, First Year Law

“Exciting, feel-good and committed”