York Uni doing Pankhurst proud

York Uni recognised for gender equality


The University has been honoured for its efforts in tackling gender equality issues. 

York’s education department have recently achieved the bronze level in the Equality Challenge Unit’s trial gender equality charter mark.

The focus of this award is the tackling of underrepresentation of women in senior roles, and also the lack of men in areas such as teaching and social work.

Head of department Dr Beatrice Szczepek Reed, said:

“I am delighted that the department has achieved recognition for its good practice in gender equality.  As a department we will continue to make gender equality a high priority in the hope to achieve best possible practice and inspire others to do the same.”

Congrats York uni

Gender equality is often overlooked in 21st century Britain, with many people seeing men and women as complete equals. Although we have come a long way in terms of gender equality, women still face discrimination in the workplace, at home and are victims of sexist remarks.

Gender equality is something many organisations work hard to achieve, and something which York Uni has just been given recognition for.

The Tab spoke to Alex, the President of the University of York’s Feminist Society, to ask her views of the uni’s recognition.

The third year said: “I congratulate the Education Department and I hope they continue to work towards a fair representation of all genders across their department and to achieve higher awards than the Bronze just received.

“I also hope that this award will inspire other departments at the university to up their game and ensure that talented women are gaining the senior roles that they deserve.”

The History student added: “However, we should also remember that they are only one measure of the treatment of the women employed by university departments. This is a step in the right direction but we are not there yet.”

Lads, lads, lads (bellends)

YUSU’s Women’s Officers, Peggy Lockwood-Lord and Emily Inglis, said they were “very excited about this Gender Equality award, and have been hearing great things about Vanita Sundaram et al’s work!”

The third years went on to say they “are very much looking forward to working with her in our upcoming Tackling Lad Culture campaign!” The campaign, ran by NUS, is set to identify the culture on campus and help provide resources to help tackle “lad culture”, giving individual universities the power and capabilities to lead their own institutional changes

The YUSU officers agreed that “it’s really good news that issues of gender equality are becoming a central focus in our university and union, and I hope more prizes like this are soon to be awarded.”