Nottingham has decided to stay in the NUS

It was a close call

After a week of Nottingham students voting on whether UoNSU should continue to be affiliated to the National Union of Students the results are finally in.

With 2040 total votes made the majority of Nottingham students have decided to Remain within the NUS.

The breakdown is 803 Leave, 1227 Remain and 10 abstain.

The results were revealed today after a delay of six days to deal with complaints of both sides of the argument having outside backing and sponsorship.

The successful petition for a referendum at Nottingham was set up by Blake Purchase, a second year German and Politics student and General Secretary of Nottingham University Conservative Association (NUCA). Also one of the leaders of the No to NUS Notts campaign, speaking to The Tab about the results said:

“We respect the student body’s decision, whilst also congratulating the Yes Campaign on their victory. At no other University, was the playing field so stacked against those trying to disaffiliate. We had NUS mailshots, hoardes of NUS representatives coming to campus, and both present and incoming SU officers openly backing affiliation. We are proud to have initiated this conversation and hope that the Yes campaign’s promises of NUS reform do come into fruition, as mandated by the relatively narrow margin”

Nottingham joins Exeter, York and Durham who have chosen to remain in the NUS after a nationwide call for disaffiliation.