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UEA students have launched a lockdown 2.0 ‘matchmaker’ service

Online, quarantined dating is here!

UEA students have the opportunity to fill out a “Lockdown Matchmaker Survey”, advertised anonymously on their Concrete Confessions Facebook page.

Despite the Government’s new lockdown that started the yesterday, students at UEA are in high hopes about the chance of meeting new people online. The post attempts to lighten spirits, saying: “With social places now being closed places to meet people have dropped, so here is where this survey comes in handy”.

The post has attracted a lot of attention, gaining over 100 comments in just a couple of days; almost all of them being people tagging their single friends.

The survey is composed of 19 simple questions. Half comprising general information and the other of ‘either-or’ multiple-choice questions, such as “Night in or night out?”, “dogs or cats?” and even “drugs or no drugs?”.

This is not the first time students at the university have attempted to create a dating service. There have been many attempts to help single students find love, such as the “Take Me Out” inspired charity show for Papyrus, and our very own UEA Goes Dating by the Norwich Tab, that saw two students get engaged last year.

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The post acknowledged a perfect match was not guaranteed: “There has been previous surveys, just like mine, which have had various levels of success”.

Regardless of this, the ‘UEA Lockdown 2.0 Matchmaker’ is a first for university dating services that are based around the new restrictions, intending on being an excellent opportunity for students that struggle with lockdown loneliness to meet new people. If you’re interested, you can fill out the survey here.