Constant fire alarms causing disruption in Bakewell

Residents are not happy

For the past two days fire drills have been regularly going off in Bakewell A block.

The first took place on Sunday morning, waking students up at 8am, with most of them still hungover from their night out at Echoes.

This was followed by a further alarms today at 8am and another at 11am.

James, a resident, commented: “I was doing a timed online test, and the fire drill caused me to lose marks.” He added: “I’m considering moving out.”

Others have been more forgiving. “The fire drills woke me up, which was great” said Sarah who lives on the top floor.”

Even though the problem was acknowledged, residents will still have to leave the block for any further fire drills that will take place.

A spokesperson for Loughborough University told us that wardens followed the evacuation procedures to ensure it wasn’t an actual fire but it was later established to be a problem with the system.