Can’t attend a protest? Here’s what you can do at home to support women right now

Surveys, Petitions, Resources and Spreading the Word

“Enough is Enough”; “Reclaim These Streets”; “Don’t Protect your Daughters, Educate your Sons”

…just some of the phrases you might have heard over the last few days. Protests have been sparked all over the country following the death of Sarah Everard, with women standing up for their right to feel safe.

Women and men alike must stand together to promote real change.

But we at the Tab are aware that not all of us can, or feel comfortable doing so, protest. That’s why we’ve brought together these resources to help you contribute and show support from home:

1. Surveys

Surveys are a major part of showing the true lived experiences of women and imploring the relevant parties to listen. It was a UN Women UK survey that exposed that 97% of women had experienced sexual harassment, which has helped many understand the magnitude of the issue.

The Government has just relaunched the Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Survey in a call for evidence. This will be available for you to share your experiences until the 26th of March.

2. Petitions

Petitions are instrumental in communicating the action that needs to be taken. Here are some:

3. Educate yourself 

There are many resources online which can help you learn about Sexual Harassment and Women’s Rights. It doesn’t have to be time-consuming, some of the best and simplest ones can be found from these Instagram accounts:

You can also:

  • Keep up to date with Tab articles that will report on the events!
  • Keep up to date with activism and what’s going on- things like this article that discusses activists to have on your radar.

4. Attend online events

Many organisations such as ReclaimTheseStreets, SistersUncut and various feminist organisations are hosting online vigils and events that you can attend for free to show your support and solidarity online if you do not feel safe attending a face to face protest.

5. Spread the word

When you find new information, share it. Help others to educate themselves and spread awareness so others can join the fight.

These are quick, easy ways to show your support for the current movement from the comfort of your own home.

6. Share your experiences

If you’re attending protests or vigils and want to highlight the importance of attending these events please get in touch with us on Instagram or email us: [email protected].