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Edinburgh students told us their most cringe walk of shame stories and, oh my, some are awful

Someone got called a prostitute by a Scottish schoolboy

A University of Edinburgh staff member has been convicted after installing cameras in ladies’ toilets

He has been placed on the sex offenders register for two years

‘Go back to Uganda you slave’: Member of elite Edinburgh society made to resign over offensive slur

‘Highly offensive’ comments were made during a Diagnostics debate

University of Edinburgh academic centre revealed to have been funded by a Putin-led Russian cultural unit

Over 90 per cent of external funding came from Russia

We took a serious look at all the embarrassing things we used to do on Facebook when we were angsty teens

Nothing was too private to be posted on our friend’s wall

We spoke to some 2 Litre Boys to hear their thoughts on the new alcohol tax in Scotland

These are the people who will be hit hardest by the change

Teviot nachos, Hive and David Hume – a second year reflects on life at Edinburgh Uni so far

I’m halfway through my degree and never want to leave

Kanye West is this generation’s Walt Disney, and he deserves your respect

‘This generation’s closest thing to Einstein, so don’t worry about me, I’m fine’

Every panic you’ll have before going on exchange and how to deal with them

Your year abroad jolly is a lot more stressful than it seems

Free Greggs giveaway at Silk Thursdays this week

‘From sausage rolls to donuts n the odd cheeky pie thrown in the mix’

If you do these endearingly boring things you are the ‘Uni Grandad’ of the group

Everyone has that mate who is basically already a retiree

Why does supporting the strike have to mean jeopardising my degree?

Get your act together UUK

Can we talk about how shit the Edinburgh University Instagram is?

Nobody needs to see a picture of someone’s chicken dinner

Edinburgh exams may be affected by further strikes as UCU discuss what action to take next

Marking may be boycotted

The mental health policy of one of the EUSA Presidential candidates isn’t up to scratch at all

It needs to be taken more seriously

An interview with the EUSA Presidential candidate: Connok Bok

He wants to stop the rise in the number of students at Edinburgh

We spoke to the people running for EUSA President so you don’t have to

Comprehensive interviews with the candidates

Edinburgh just got its first ever RED ALERT from the Met Office for extreme snow

It’s a big coat day folks

Edinburgh Uni staff have every right to be striking, and students should be backing them

Stop whinging, start supporting

An Edinburgh student has started a petition to refund tuition fees due to strikes

It has over 3000 signatures