A comprehensive guide to surviving summative season
Thank us later when you get Firsts
It's still only the first few weeks back at uni, but you've once again rediscovered your appreciation for a pint or four at The Swan.
And it is only now that you find yourself regretting spending that month with a hangover and a prolonged Christmas food coma, refusing to check DUO as a matter of principle.
The harsh reality that your first term piss-about has ended is setting in, because now the 'real' work looms ahead: Summatives.
So we thought we'd make this little summative survival guide to help you with your troubles:
1) Remember: they only count for 10-20%!
Be tactical and quantify your issues! Each summative only counts for a small section of your module grade, so no need to stress! Just don't read too much into the fact that these module grades accumulate…
2) Relax! You deserve it…
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy … Yes, summatives do require the occasional crackdown, but as long as that Paddy's has you sobered up after a night out and ready to crack on with work the next day, we say enjoy yourself.
3) Do the maths: Blue Spark + Billy B = Dream Team
Billy B is soon to go 24/7! And Blue Spark is always on offer! You are now fully equipped to pull that all-nighter and sleep deprive your way to success.
4) Get rid of distractions
Stop. Procrastinating. We know the result of that Buzzfeed Quiz will add some much needed clarity to your life, but it can wait. Summative deadlines can't. Throw your phone across the room if you have to. Just make sure you have Stormfront's number on speed dial if you do…
5) Get socialising (with your course)
Although big lecture halls can be intimidating, flash a smile about and make some course mates. Divide the reading lists up and bounce ideas off each other, ie: find someone that shares your pain.
6) Keep it concise
Summative word limits are exactly that: limits. You do not have to reach it. Remember PEEJ because no-one likes waffle. Make your point, explain it, add the evidence and conclude nicely: sorted. If you're really aiming high, think about what you conclusion means in a wider context and end with an interesting thought point.
Good luck and power through; because we know it's due tomorrow.