Bristol’s Biggest Names on Campus 2018: Round 5
The Kings and Queens of uni
Bigger than Christmas and more exciting than a season finale of Game of Thrones, it's that special time of year when we choose who is the biggest name on Bristol’s campus.
This year we've had more nominees than ever before, with submissions ranging from the inane to the obscene. After a week of careful formulation we've knocked it down to the final 25 ranging from famous freshers to familiar fourth years.
Below is the last of five batches featuring the biggest names in Bristol in 2017-2018. Vote now and win your champion eternal glory/infamy…
Frank Dickens, First Year, Politics
"Badock’s biggest name. Insta’s biggest fame. Biggest player in the game. Frankly if you’re not following this boy on Instagram, then you haven’t done uni right."
Matthew Hayhurst, Second Year, History
"Besides his regular recorder concerts, Matt has gained BNOC status through a number of societies, namely Revs, Spotlights, and Dramsoc (of which he is social secretary). He is also in the semi-finals of the Chortle Student Comedy Awards. Basically the man is relentless! "His floor/ceiling has now collapsed and has now put a gofundme page up to cover the costs… an instant classic."
James Heale, Third Year, History
"Editor of the Tab, Co-President of Journalism Society, the biggest Hack on Campus."
Mark Bishop, Second Year, Biology
"Hockey extraordinaire – soon to be first team captain. 'Prince of Hiatt Baker'. Really tall and this stands out. Took a girl home on the 16 during freshers and once 'sorted' cycled back to Bunker. Just a very well-known top bloke."
Toby DB, Third Year, Philosophy
"Edits The Whip. Funny guy. No one knows what DB stands for."