Andrew Tate cooking food

Andrew Tate calls men who enjoy cooking ‘cucks’ and says he ‘hates eating’

‘Imagine how stupid you have to be to find food entertaining’

If you’re a man who enjoys food or cooking in any capacity then I’m afraid I have bad news for you, as according to Andrew Tate you’re not only a “cuck” but also “embarrassing” and “stupid.”

Yes, that’s right Andrew Tate thinks that food, you know that substance we all need to survive, is “awful.” He tweeted this absolutely insane statement earlier this month and at this point, I’m convinced he’s got them on a bingo list.

Andrew tweeted: “Food is awful and eating sucks. I eat the bare minimum and as fast as possible. I hate eating. I hate feeling full.

“Men who think cooking makes them manly are cucks afraid of the cage desperate to validate a non-existent masculinity. Imagine how stupid you have to be to find food entertaining. Literally embarrassing.”

In the aftermath of Andrew’s provocative statement targeting male cooks and those who dare to enjoy eating, other Twitter users replied in the comments section to articulate their perspectives.

One user simply wrote, “Garbage take.” Another user wrote, “Cooking is one of man’s greatest inventions, almost magical in essence def worth appreciating.”

A user stated, “So you are saying that you trained like a beast for decades and acquired your physique by never cooking your own meals nor eating much.”

The same user then asked, “So then what else did you ingest to allow you to train like a beast for decades and acquire a physique like this? Am I missing something?”

Maybe Andrew is like a plant but instead of using light to photosynthesise he uses the world’s faith in men like him. And for those who like drinking fluids watch your back, I can guarantee you’re next on Andre Tate’s hit list.

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