A trivia quiz to see how well you remember Christmas movie Elf

Quiz: 20 years on, how well do you remember iconic Christmas movie Elf?

If you don’t get full marks you’re a cotton-headed ninny muggins


It’s that time of year again! Elf is on all the time, and despite having watched it every single year you simply must sit and watch it again. You take it down as easily as Buddy downs a bottle of Cola. So, because the film is definitely at least on your mind, if you haven’t watched 14 times already this festive period, now is the perfect time to test your Elf trivia knowledge in a big ol’ quiz.

It’s been 20 years since the film first premiered, so that’s 20 years filled with candy canes, dancing in the mail room, awfully tight orange tights, eating chewing gum off the street and screaming “SANTA, I KNOW HIM” whenever you go past somewhere saying there’s a Santa’s Grotto in town. But now it’s time to separate the true Elf fans from those who are nothing but a cotton-headed ninny muggins, sitting on a throne of lies.

The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is taking this quiz and then sharing your result for all to hear. So, go on then, test your knowledge here.

Take this trivia quiz to see how well you truly remember Elf:

Unfortunately Elf isn’t on Netflix this year, but you can watch it on NOW with a Sky Cinema pass or rent on Amazon Prime. For all the best Christmas movie content, news, quizzes and memes like The Holy Church of Netflix on Facebook. 

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