No, that Simpsons picture didn’t predict Trump’s presidency

It’s the one your mate probably retweeted


We all awoke this morning to horrifying news. Yes, Donald Trump is to be the next president of the United States of America. What ensued was likely to have been a desperate wave of comforting messages, memes and videos on your WhatsApp group chat.

One of them was possibly this:

An interesting fact – just a shame it isn’t strictly true.

The Simpsons did not predict Trump’s election in 2000

The pictures which have been widely shared, of Trump on the escalator and Trump campaigning on stage, aren’t from 2000. They’re from 2015, after Trump announced he was running.

See this budget conspiracy video, complete with eerie music and viewed 1.32 million times:

And here’s them simultaneously – how uncanny:

There is a little bit of truth to the rumour, though. In The Simpsons S11E17 ‘Bart to the Future’ – which is from 2000 – Lisa is sitting in the Oval Office and says: “We’ve inherited quite a budget crunch from President Trump, how bad is it Secretary van Houten?”

To which he replies: “We’re broke… The country is broke”.

Something The Simpsons possibly did predict: