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Nottingham University jumps up two places in the Sunday Times University Rankings

We ranked above Sheffield, Edinburgh and Manchester

It’s official, Nottingham University is officially 18th best university in the country.

We have ranked above Sheffield, Edinburgh and Manchester and jumped up two places since last year.

Nottingham’s sporting prowess has also been recognised. Notts has been awarded Sports University of the Year, cementing our stand in the BUCS inter-university league for the third year.

Finally, Notts has ended its excellent academic year with an impressive gold rating in the Teaching Excellence Framework and its inclusivity and accommodation of international students landed us International University of the year also.

Alastair McCall, editor of the guide, said: “No university has ever won two of our University of the Year titles…in a single year. That Nottingham has done so is a reflection of its huge all-round strength.”

The Times’ Good University Guide has long been the authority on university leagues – reviewing statistics from 132 universities across the country.

The results take into account a number of factors including student satisfaction with teaching quality and their wider student experience, research quality, graduate prospects, entrance qualifications held by new students, degree results achieved, student/staff ratios, service and facilities spend, and degree completion rates.

So the results don’t lie, be assured your student debt is worth it.