‘Don’t let it be you’: Union President warns about dangers of taking drugs

There have been four drug-related incidents this week

Union President Jess Excell made a university-wide appeal, warning us against the use of dangerous drugs.

In the past week alone, there have been four reported incidents concerning adverse reactions to drugs – of which three were potentially life-threatening.

The personalised address credits the awareness of Union staff in two of the cases, and reveals another was dealt with by paramedics, coincidentally on-site dealing with another incident.

It is certainly no surprise this announcement comes only days after the return of DBE – an event which seems to have amassed a cult following in recent years.

The Union sent the warning after four incidents in one week alone

Nonetheless, irrespective of your choice of drug, the Union will not look favourably upon you.

The events of the past week have once again highlighted the problem of illicit drug-taking within the Loughborough bubble, forcing the Union to reiterate its stance on the issue.

Sniffer dogs, “under-cover” security staff and an ongoing police operation have all been put in place, and the consequences of anyone caught in possession have been made clear.

Reported cases will now be passed on to the University and local police, which could result in academic or even criminal proceedings being held against you.

You will also be permanently excluded from the Union.

Jess Excell said: “None of these students thought they would be putting themselves in danger of losing their lives when they took these drugs.

“The real truth is that you can never be sure what you are taking or how you will respond.  No one expects it will be them.”

She added: “We don’t want any Loughborough Student’s experience to end like this.”