Meet the people who looked after you during Freshers’

You owe them a drink

freshers freshers week helpers uni

No one ever stops to think of the kind souls who make Freshers’ Week happen.

The freshers themselves justifiably get a lot of attention. Every year we’re fascinated by these vulnerable new faces, with countless events, welcome classes and online articles aimed at them.

But what about the faces behind the events – the ones who make everything run smoothly? What about the heroes who give up their time to help others? What about the kind soul carrying home yet another silly fresh from the SU at 9.45pm?

We met up with six of the finest fresher helpers to find out what they made of the mayhem in the past fortnight.

Frankie Dixon, Design Ergonomics, Royce Hall

Best thing about being fresher helper: “Getting to relive my glory days for the third time.”

Worst thing: “Waking up every morning with another hangover.”

Best fresher story: “Taking a drunk fresher home with him constantly telling me that he was going to buy me chocolate and a thank you card the next day.”

Helen Chapman, Sport Management, Royce Hall

Best thing: “Meeting all the new silly freshers.”

Worst thing: “Having to scoop a fresher’s sick off a bench.”

Best fresher story: “Watching one of the freshers Facetime all his friends at the union while he was at home throwing up. He wanted them to feel his pain.”

Eddie Hahn, Human Biology, Royce Hall

Best thing: “Meeting lots of new people.”

Worst thing: “Always forgetting my key and not being able to get in my house after the night out.”

Best fresher story: “Watching James Prentis get banned from Revs for insisting his name was Gareth.”

Emelie Stevenson, English, Robert Bakewell Hall

Best thing: “Getting to go out every night for two weeks with some of the funniest people I’ve ever met.”

Worst thing: “Being the only one dressed up in a luminous outfit because nobody wanted to do fancy dress.”

Best fresher story: “One fresher got so drunk that she tried to pay for her drinks using tampons.”

Kelly White, Social Psychology, Robert Bakewell Hall

Best thing: “Getting to smash freshers for the second time.”

Worst thing: “How early we had to start drinking with the freshers, I’m blindsided by 10pm and in bed by 1am.”

Best fresher story: “One fresher couldn’t undo their dress after a night out, so left their room and asked a stranger to do it for them. So classy.”

Millie Coverdale, Media and Communications, Robert Bakewell Hall

Best thing: “Being able to get involved in all the fresher nights out – especially the sing off.”

Worst thing: “Being reminded that I am no longer a fresher. Seeing all the little freshlings with not a care in the world made me very jealous!”

Best fresher story: “My funniest memory from freshers by far has got to be seeing one of the freshers trying to make out with one of the pillars in the union. I’ve seen drunk and I’ve seen desperate, but I’ve never seen that.”