
Tab TV Meets: Jamie Laing – “What’s elitism?”

We catch up with Made in Chelsea’s Jamie Laing, who was in Cambridge to open his new sweet shop.

The Tab Survey – Win May Ball Tickets

Fill in our five minute survey to have a chance of winning a pair of free tickets to Sidney Sussex May Ball.

Tim Squirrell – The Tragedy of Enthusiasm

In his first columnn, TIM SQUIRRELL regales us with his thoughts on motivation, identity and keen freshers.

Fit College: Fitz vs Jesus

Our latest phwoar war pits Fitz against Jesus.

Trees-on at Selwyn

DERMOT SMAMS gives you the full lowdown on the biggest excitement of the term so far.

Tab TV College Cribs: St Catz

Is this the worst room in Cambridge? TabTV takes a look inside Alex Nelson’s crib.

You made the dean’s list! Cambridge discipline 2011-13 revealed

The Tab‘s FOI series continues with our in-depth investigation into college discipline.

EXCLUSIVE: Two Thirds of Cambridge Colleges Covered in Cocaine

The Tab’s gritty investigation into the dark heart of Cambridge cocaine continues in Part Two of our gak survey.

The Hanging Christian – Episode 4

Our plucky heroine falls deeper into the new world Professor Seydowsky has introduced her to as the Sunday Serial continues…

Diary of a Reluctant Virgin

Tired of being a spinster, ELLIE SLEE embarks upon the perilous quest to pop her cherry.


Only hours ago Caius voted to disaffiliate from CUSU

The Style Diaries: Corpus vs. Pembroke

This week, PEMBROKE and CORPUS face each other off in an epic fashion battle…

How To Lose Friends And Alienate People: Choosing A Sport In Cambridge.

Not sure which sport’s team to play for this term? The Tab is at hand with a quick quiz to help you decide.

Leaf’s Lunches: Hughes Hall

In the first of the series of college buttery reviews, LEAF ARBUTHNOT reviews the food at Hughes Hall.

Hit-and-Punt Shunt

The river yobs strike again as a child’s finger is broken on the Cam. LOUIS DURKAN reports.

Worst Cambridge College: Vote Now!

It’s boring when a college is brilliant. It takes much more guile to be really rather rubbish. Cast your vote for the worst college in Cambridge!

Football Cuppers Final: Fitz 2-1 Jesus

Monday night saw Fitz take on Jesus in the showpiece occasion of the college football season.

Football Cuppers: The Final

As Lent Term draws to a close, so does the most glamorous competition in World Football: Cuppers. Tab Sport takes us through the teams involved.

Rugby Cuppers: Semi-Final Preview

Rugby Cuppers has had it all this year. With the semi-finals imminent, we take you through the teams involved.

Talk to Tim about Depression

It’s Mental Health Week and TIM SQUIRRELL wants to get us all talking about depression.