You made the dean’s list! Cambridge discipline 2011-13 revealed
The Tab‘s FOI series continues with our in-depth investigation into college discipline.
Cambridge students have been very naughty, and The Tab knows all about it.
In a three-month long Freedom of Information investigation, we’ve uncovered shocking details about college discipline in Cambridge.
Colleges have fined students a grand total of £16,398 for incidents such as:
- Drunken and disorderly behaviour
- Stealing silverware
- Wetting the bed
Not to mention the time-old student love for setting off fire extinguishers.
Deans and discipline committees can dish out more than just a slap on the wrist. From 2011 to 2013 colleges reported thousands of pounds worth of fines handed out to students.
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And that’s just from those that got back to us. Fourteen colleges: Caius, Catz, Clare, Corpus, Darwin, Fitz, Girton, Hughes Hall, Murray Edwards, Peterhouse, Queen’s, Sidney Sussex, Tit Hall, and Wolfson wriggled out of giving us all the gory info, citing exemption from the FOI Act or saying they had no cases on file.
Which college fined their student £400 for taking drugs? £800 for drunken damage? £450 for “inappropriate behaviour” in the bar ?
Who makes their students work in the garden as punishments? And who cashed in on over £4000 from library fines?
Check out all the dirty details here.