
Image may contain: Furniture, Bedroom, Bed

Sex is Awkward

Queefs, cramps and tricky positions – how to navigate the awkwardness of rumpy pumpy

May-Ballers of the Week

No one is safe

Tab Style Guide: Emailing Your DoS

And get a first.

A Very Cambridge Drug Deal

Turns out drugs are just a bit shit

How to diffuse awkward encounters in Sainsbury’s

They happen to us all, far more often than should be statistically possible. But JAMIE RYCROFT is here to save the day.

Five Personas To Assume On A Date

BETH SWORDS makes your life easier with five personas you can assume on a date.

How to find love this Lent

Romance may be dead, but JOSEPHINE PARKINSON is on hand to explain how you can still have fun for a fiver with RAG Blind Date.

The Art of Planking

Think you know what planking is? Think again. FREYA SUTTON talks you through the details…

RAG: How to Lose Your Date in Ten Minutes

How to dispose of your RAG and alienate many…POPPY MORRIS is here to help if tonight’s RAG helping ain’t looking great.

Handshake Shakeup for Interviews

Admissions Tutors have been sent a guidance video advising them on how to judge whether to handshake an interviewee.

Tab Tries: Working Formal Hall

Soup, Serbia and absolutely no spillages: LEAF ARBUTHNOT takes her passion for the buttery one step further and works a shift as a waitress at formal hall.

Walks Of Shame

The Walk of Shame is an inevitable part of the sex-scavenger’s university experience. RUTH MARINER has gathered some first-hand gems to reassure you that you are not the slaggiest biscuit in the box.

Life After Cambridge: Part Two

This week, IZZY PRITCHARD celebrates the redemptive powers of sensible shoes, and negotiates post-grad, chat-based interaction. She survives, just about.


ZULFIQAR ALI finds the ADC lateshow unafraid to make a break from convention, even if the convention is sometimes ‘being funny’.

Uncle A Tackles Tutor Troubles

What’s your problem? This week, Uncle A advises a troubled tutor.

Uni Survival Guide: The Break Up

TANMAY SURI speaks to some friends to work out the “do”s and “don’t”s of the Cambridge break up.