Arrests to brutal assaults: Bryce Hall is objectively the worst TikToker of all time

And his fans don’t seem to mind

If you haven’t read into how absolutely dreadful many TikTokers are, then it may come as a surprise when I say that this group of people are literally worse than any YouTuber has ever been. That’s right, worse than Jake Paul when he was terrorising his poor neighbours in LA by starting fires in his backyard. Worse than Jeffree Star and his numerous past debacles. And the worst TikToker of the bunch? The one that takes the crown? Well, it’s obviously none other than Bryce Hall.

Bryce Hall is the embodiment of everything wrong with a culture that puts kids on a pedestal from the get-go because it shows they grow up into some of the nastiest pricks that can’t tolerate any way other than theirs. And trust me, when they don’t get their way, they do some messed up stuff, stuff which we’re about to list for your reading pleasure – enjoy!

In 2017 he falsely accused his manager of attempted sexual assault

Back when Bryce was a 17-year-old star, he made false allegations of sexual assault with his friend Mikey Barone against his manager at the time, Michael Weist. He firstly tweeted:

Before then tweeting that his manager had touched him:

Weist sued Bryce and Mikey for defamation, but although it was settled outside of court, both boys released public apologies for their claims:

Days after the sexual assault tweets, he allegedly peed onto fans from a balcony at Playlist Live

The alleged part is that it was onto fans, by the way, not that he did it in the first place. Oh no, he fully admitted to that one, releasing a video in which he explained his take on events:

“It was like 4 a.m. I drank some apple juice and I don’t know, this apple juice kind of took over my body in a sense and people were daring me, like the people I was with, who are bad influences by the way, they were daring me to pee off the balcony. And you know, when you drink a lot of apple juice, you have to pee a lot. And you know, my mind wasn’t in the right and I just said ‘Hey, there’s a balcony right here to my left’ and everyone was like ‘Do it, you won’t,’ and then I kind of did it with my dumb ass.”

He slut-shamed a girl live on social media

An old video resurfaced showing Bryce talking to a girl on a live video (his bread and butter for saying stupid shit). He starts off by calling her out for having a lovebite: “You’ve got a hickey on your neck as we’re calling you a whore.”

Then he goes on to admit he’s slut-shaming her: “If you don’t want to get slut-shamed don’t post pictures of your ass and pin them as your Twitter header.”

Sound, especially considering his and his girlfriend’s (Addison Rae’s) whole USP is thirst-trapping their fans.

In 2017 he got into a fight at VidCon

This man is 21, and he’s still acting like an absolute child. The most obvious example has to be the overzealous use of his fists, despite the fact he’s followed by cameras. Although this is the earliest example of him getting into a fight for no apparent reason, it certainly isn’t the last.

In 2018 he allegedly assaulted another TikToker named Zach Clayton

sav on Twitter:

In 2018, Bryce got into a fight with fellow TikToker Zach Clayton. From this live video responding to the fight, he doesn’t give a clear explanation as to what caused it but said that they were “both in the wrong, both drunk, and everything that happened wasn’t just one person’s fault.”

He said that he couldn’t give the entire story because “there’s people [he] can’t mention.”

Then, later on he tweeted that he felt horrible about what happened and that he did indeed take full responsibility for the altercation that took place.

On the 26th May he was arrested on drugs charges with a friend

Jaden Hossler and Bryce Hall, who are both members of the Sway House, were arrested on drugs charges in Texas after travelling from California. Supposedly both of them were charged with marijuana possession, but Hossler was also charged with possession of a controlled substance in penalty group two which is mostly hallucinogenic substances like Ecstacy and PCP.

Hall responded to the arrest in an essay for People, writing: “I realized that living up to my Party Animal brand isn’t dependent on being intoxicated. It’s about who I am deep down. There’s a time and place to go nuts…and I can get crazy without alcohol — whether it’s cliff-diving with my Sway bros or pranking the Hype House guys by stealing their sign.

“It’s been transformative. While I will still drink occasionally, gone are the times of drinking heavily every day. After getting sober, my body and mind feel amazing. I’m more focused than ever before and am constantly working hard on my brand and have never been more excited to post amazing content for my fans on social media.”

As you may be able to tell, this is bullshit.

On 12th June he confronted a fellow creator for calling him out on his actions

From what we can see here, the chap called Bryce out online for, you know, beating people up, slut-shaming and being a huge prick. So Bryce, being the child that he is, decides to turn up to this guy’s house and antagonise him for standing up for what is right.

The fact that he posted this on his own YouTube channel says a lot and all the comments are just as deplorable.

In June he apologised after claiming TikTok was “heterophobic”

“Omg 2020 is the worst year ever! First COVID, now TikTok hates straight people?!”

Safe to say this didn’t go down well on Twitter, and people immediately began to call him out in the comments. So, he did what any TikTok bad boy does and deleted the tweet before issuing an apology:

Even when he’s self-aware it comes across so contrived.

Throughout summer he flouted lockdown rules by having multiple parties

You will have likely seen this on Twitter over summer, but Bryce and his douchey mates decided to throw multiple parties during COVID lockdown, the largest of which was for his 21st and saw over 100 guests attend at their mansion.

Their power was resultantly shut down by the mayor of California, so he tweeted out that he was really struggling without aircon. My heart bleeds for him:

Following some more parties, he was actually charged for violating COVID guidelines, with the city attorney saying the following: “We’re filing charges against two hosts whose megaparties we allege have been the source of outrage from neighbours” due to violating the Safer LA health order and the city’s Party House Ordinance.

On October 6th he got into a fight with someone after allegedly damaging their car

In October he got into a fight with a man after one of his crew is alleged to have put a cone under the man’s car (honestly don’t ask).

He reacted to the fight in this video, where he heavily promoted his new podcast. Oh, and said nothing whilst the video played. Oh, and did this only so he could put it in the title for views.

On 20th October he fought with restaurant staff after they told him off for vaping

According to TMZ: “Bryce and his buddies were hanging out on the patio before playing golf at a nearby course, and things took a turn for the worse when a server told Bryce and co. to stop vaping. It’s illegal to vape at restaurants in L.A. but we’re told Bryce and his boys refused to quit and Bryce allegedly blew smoke in a staffer’s face when asked to stop.

He has literally broken laws, with a lot of his behaviour caught on camera – and he has received nothing to stop him. Go on, shut his water and electricity off, fine him a couple of grand. That is not going to stop someone like this – stop supporting him.

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