Send us your stories about how your uni’s handling the COVID crisis

We want to know what’s happening on campus

Students, as so often throughout this pandemic, have been dealt a rotten hand. Even now, the extent of national newspapers’ coverage extends to the usual shots of drunk students falling over.

And yet, often the spotlight should be on how your uni has handled things.

Sussex Uni is charging self-isolating freshers £25 for a meal box that only costs £8.46 from ASDA. St Andrews placed students into a voluntary lockdown just four days after they arrived on campus. Leeds Uni only had 100 library seats available last week for its 38,000 students.

There are plenty of stories like these which people should hear about, but won’t. With your help, we can tell more of these stories. If there’s anything you think we should know, get in touch in confidence at [email protected].