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PETA accuses Latitude Festival of animal abuse for dying sheep pink

The RSPCA discouraged people from doing the same

Latitude Festival has been criticised by animal rights groups and activists for dyeing a flock of sheep bright pink.

The RSPCA has also urged people to avoid "painting animals for novelty purposes," but could do nothing more as festival organisers weren't breaking any laws.

A petition launched against the Suffolk festival garnered 1,700 signatures, and was supported by Vegan influencer Lucy Watson, who said: "Animals are not there to be used as a marketing ploy."

One comment on the video said: "What exactly is the purpose of this? And do the sheep enjoy being dyed? I know my children don't even like hair cuts let alone being dyed head to toe."

A spokesperson for PETA said: "In 2019, only ignorant or cruel people still use animals as living toys, props, and photo ops. We've learned enough about animals to know to respect and admire them for their ability to live in a world we're fast destroying.

"This thoughtless, attention-grabbing stunt by Latitude Fest put sheep at serious risk of getting dye in their eyes and swallowing the solution as they were dip-dyed, which involves being completely submerged in liquid, their heads likely held down with a crook so that the dye would cover their entire body."

They continued: "And the abuse didn't stop there. These gentle prey animals are easily stressed and would have been terrified of the loud music and rowdy, drunk festivalgoers."

"We are entirely happy that the water-based dye is completely safe and that the festival organisers have taken all appropriate steps to ensure the animals are content, safe and well looked after.

"As part of our wide-ranging licensing and environmental health responsibilities, the Council takes the welfare of all animals very seriously and if we had encountered any issues or felt that the sheep were suffering distress of any kind we would not permit such an activity."

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Featured image via Instagram (@livday18)