Things barmaids are sick of hearing

My love life is fine, thanks

As a self-confessed chatterbox, I love working in a bar. I’m allowed to chat away to customers as much as is within reason, as long as the bar isn’t super busy. There’s just one elephant in the room – sexism.Working on a bar is really lovely, honestly. No falsities, not many complaints directed at you from no fault of your own, being able to properly get to know your customers. My only issue is the sexism I nearly always have to endure.


Perverted offers

In the past I’ve even been asked by a man in his 70’s if I wanted to marry him, “shag him to death” and steal his inheritance (ew). Also there’s been some really creepy comments from older men saying stuff to me like “If you were my daughter I’d still be bathing you” (seriously).

Being asked if you’re single

I’m nearly always greeted with a “how’s your love life?” which isn’t much of a bother, but what has it got to do with you? It’s great thanks by the way. Leading to the point of me always being asked if I’ve got a boyfriend. Yes, I have. But what makes you think I’m going to jump away from the bar in which I am working, to do a runner with a very drunk you who really should have stopped after 3 Jagerbombs?

A comment on what you’re wearing

I’ve known women before who have forcibly had to wear skirts to work, in the food and drinks industry. I’m personally not comfortable with wearing skirts to work at all, I did it once and it resulted in ridiculous passing comments regarding me bending down to pick stuff up. It’s super cringey, and nobody should have to feel uncomfortable in the workplace. And trust me, when you’ve been informed that your nickname relates to you being flat-chested, it really is bloody uncomfortable (mate I wish I wasn’t flat-chested either).

Or anything about our appearance

Comments about your chest size (or lack thereof…), comments about the state of your hair, how much make up you have on, or haven’t, if you’re wearing trousers or a skirt.

We just want to get our job done

I just think that it’s 2016, and just because you’re drunk, it’s no excuse to treat barmaids like pieces of meat. I’m sure most of us would rather be on the other side of the bar at the best of times, just be a bit kinder and treat us like the human beings we are. Serving drinks doesn’t make us sex objects any more than working on the checkout at your local supermarket.

By no means do I think I’m some sort of exotic goddess, I just want the respect and courtesy returned which I give to customers. I know you’re having a great time and enjoying your pint, but it’d be lovely if you could do that without making me feel anxious when I’m just here to make myself a living.