The Tab's journalism is brought to you by young reporters who like being first. On university campuses, our writers deliver local news you care about. At The Tab HQ, our experienced journalists write about everything from breaking news to politics to pop culture to TikTok trends to the latest entertainment and celeb gossip. Our aim is to deliver sharp, original, and agenda-setting journalism to young people. All our stories are fact checked and sources verified. Further information on our editorial policies and processes can be found here.
There was a twitter campaign to #findharvey
The festival of choice for the discerning Waitrose shopper
The sun never sets on Secret Solstice
Sod you and your poxy referendum, Dave
If all else fails, be a good sport
Surprising no-one
He had to remove a sex doll hanging out of the window once
Where else can I get a physical keypad though
But is it all good news?
They’re messy and they’re trashy, just like you
One sign said ‘honk if you support the junior doctors’ – it was cacophanous
The last thing we need is another club closure
Ay world what’s happenin fam
This is a rigorous and scientific process
His brother is also reported dead
Cash rules everything around me
RIP Bottom ‘spoons, we knew thee well
It says John Carpenter films, not Richard Curtis ones
I’m sure Postmodern Dance will teach you how to be a really edge barista
The only ones who fear meritocracy are those with nothing to offer
All the drinking has led to this point
You’re effectively getting a First based on your performance in a pub quiz
Shocker: it’s not Lonnie
He’s pledging to ‘make LUSU great again’
It’s all gone a bit Pete Tong
Shacking up with whoever you want should be a human right
B-O-U. R-N-E. M-A-S-S-I-V-E. With a knick-knack paddiwack, give a dog a bone
Vodka can sod off-ka
He’s currently in hospital with his siblings
My CV is getting more eclectic by the day
They’re really lovely and don’t care who knows it
Only in my room can I truly be zen
You just have to be willing to share your embarrassing photos
We have clearly angered a vengeful god
It was deemed ‘totally innapropriate’
Language policing has gone too far
They took a PS4 and other, less important things
Lootings are definitely a problem
’15, Facebook wouldn’t let me change my age’
The goblet of Jack Daniel’s Fire
She’s sure other lawyers could catch up if they ‘put a bikini pic up once in a while’
Pendle > your shit college
It’s that time of the year where you try to look bad on purpose
The day Mr Gatward became a BNOC
It’s not about not getting drunk, it’s about still being semi-functional when you are
There’s more than just Ring of Fire
It’s gonna be a biggie
It tastes like failure
Lancaster’s getting Rawkus
A guide to getting your rocks off where others get their read on