York spends only a grand on Christmas decorations

Looks like they overspent on Greg’s Place

christmas uoy

The University of York has only spent a paltry £1,000 on lights and trees for its students to enjoy this festive season.

The data, which was acquired from the Uni exclusively by The Tab, found that UoY spent £114.94 on Christmas lights and £972 on trees last year.

The amount is significantly smaller than other unis, such as the eyewatering £29,970.78 spent by the University of East Anglia this year.

Fits right in

With over 14,000 students paying nine grand a year to be shat on by endangered birds, one would have thought that the university could at least stretch to a snow machine or an inflatable Santa Claus on the roof of Central Hall.

Instead of bringing seasonal cheer to many thousands throughout the holidays, the university instead decided to spend their money developing a large bench in front of a shit-filled lake.

The university couldn’t offer a more specific breakdown of what was bought than “trees” and “lights”, as it was apparently too expensive to manually search their invoices.

Bah, humbug.