Elvyn hall chair bans pre-drinks and fun

Everyone must now drink together in their common room

Hapless Elvyn freshers are having communal pre drinks forced upon them for not being sociable enough.

Many students within the hall had complained that there is a problem with integration of different cliques.

A large proportion of the halls returners said there was a much less friendly atmosphere in the hall this year and that the freshers and returners have not formed friendships in the same way they may have in recent years.

Elvyn’s newly appointed hall chair Faris has decided to address the problem head on, making an announcement on the Elvyn Richard’s Freshers page.

With the backing of Elvyn’s warden, Hilary McDermott, private pre drinks in separate flats have been banned for the first two weeks of the Summer term. For these two weeks, all pres will be held in the common room. Faris states that this will give the people of Elvyn “an opportunity to mix and meet new people”.

The new regime is coming in to practice for the final Hey Ewe of term. Although separate pre drinks will not be banned at this point, a punch party is being held in an attempt to begin bringing the hall together.

The idea, although surprising, seems to be going down well.

Sherifa, a second year returner in Elvyn said: “It’s probably a good idea seeing as there was a much better group last year in terms of going out and stuff. Now everyone’s separated and boring.”

We will have to wait and see whether the idea will be successful and bring the hall together or just leave the people of Elvyn nostalgic for ‘the good old days’.