
Calling all Freshers: join The Tab!

AKA Cambridge’s MOST READ student paper

Image may contain: Headband, Hat, Clothing, Poster, Person, People, Human

Apply NOW to join The Tab team in Michaelmas

The Tab wants YOU

Be a part of the new Tab

Wow!!!!!11!!!11 Amazing newz

Meet the Tab Team for Easter 2017

The Tab is under new management

The Tab wants YOU to join the Editorial Team

For King, Country and CV points

Do you want to be a Tab Newshound?

Chase the stories and embrace Cambridge gossip as a member of our crack news team!

Could you be the face of Tab TV?

The fast track to BNOC status

The Tab mafia is recruiting

We’re making you an offer you can’t refuse

Do the Write Thing

Join the most read student newspaper in the UK! It might seem like fun, but that’s only because it is…

Tab Business is Recruiting