Be a part of the new Tab

Wow!!!!!11!!!11 Amazing newz

| UPDATED Cambridge Cantab Editors journalism mafia Michaelmas Recruiting recruitment Students the tab

The Tab is under new management, and we need you to help us shake things up. 

Hi, we’re Alex and Holly, your new editors for Michaelmas 2017 – you might know us from our recent survey into sexual health.

The Tab is not only Cambridge’s most-read student newspaper, but also gives writers and contributors the chance to be read on a national and even international level. Basically, it’s a huge platform and we want to be used in the best way possible.

We’re looking for potential team members who will produce quality content to brighten up the banter black hole that is Cambridge University. If this sounds like something you’d be into, email us at [email protected], with your name and intended position in the title. Please do also tell us:

  1. Your vision for the section you want to run.
  2. Your favourite and least favourite things about the Tab.
  3. Why we should choose you.

Don’t forget to add your college, subject, year of study and a contact number too. If you’ve got one, we’d also love to read a relevant article you’ve written. Below is a list of the positions open, but if you’ve got other ideas, or just want to contribute on a part-time level, feel free to email us.

News Editor(s) and writers team 

News needs to be quick – you’ve got to find and publish Cambridge’s breaking stories as fast as possible. As editor, you’ll need to be constantly on it. We’ll also need a permanent team of news writers who can pick up stories as they come in, on a lower commitment basis.

Features Editor(s) 

Do you pore over the journalistic delights of ‘What X is your college’? Enjoy wanky, meta Cambridge in-jokes? Think you’re really funny but can’t be fucked to invest all that time for the Footlights?  This is the role for you. You’ll need lots of fresh ideas for commissions and a comprehensive knowledge of IKEA tables.

Opinions Editor(s)

For this, you’ll need to be deploying all that NUANCE which is so lacking in your weekly essays, according to your supervisor. Prove them wrong with some 800 word articles on Cambridge’s most reputable and seriuz student news website.

Lifestyle Editor 

This job is usually best suited to someone who likes avocados. We’ve got new freshers coming in, so you’ll need to give them guides to the best places to brunch, shop and club.

Theatre Editor

Perfect for someone lacking in any acting talent but who enjoys criticising people who do. Cathartic and artsy at the same time – this role is a great pretext to linger in the ADC bar instead of actually doing the degree you’re paying £27k for.

Investigations Editor

You watched Spotlight once and think you’re gonna be A Big Deal in the future. Start now and tackle evil people and corruption, one FOI request at a time.

Interviews Editor

Wonderful opportunity for anyone needing a new profile picture that’ll be guaranteed 200+ Facebook likes. Networking, meeting famous people, generally being a bit sycophantic – what’s not to like for your average Cantab?

Sport Editor

Football. Yeah, love it when they kick the ball in those goals! Amazing stuff, love those goals, nice. Goal!

TabTV Team

Fame! Recognition! Potential BNOCdom! What’s not to love?

Lifestyle Columnists

We’re looking for a Fashion Columnist, Food Columnist, Sex Columnist and Music Columnist. Hit us up with your niche interests.


For people who have no discernibly marketable lifestyle but are still narcissistic enough to want to write a weekly article featuring many photographs of themselves, so people will approach them in the Cindies smoking area and say they recognise you. The price of #fame.


The Tab is basically a zine, now, in case you didn’t get the memo. We want AUDIOVISUALS and we want them now.

The deadline for applications is midnight Wednesday 21st June – don’t miss out!