Meet the Tab Team for Easter 2017

The Tab is under new management

Cambridge Cambridge University Easter easter team new management recruitment Tab the tab

After a gruelling period of selection, evolution and reincarnation, the Tab team is back for Easter 2017.

Although we can’t say things won’t change, we can guarantee that all the tasty gossip, hot opinions, zesty features and high quality jurnalizm will be here to stay.

If you fancy being published in the University’s most read newspaper, pitch an idea to one of our section editors via the email addresses below, come to the writer’s meetings and join the Facebook writers group. If you’re considering joining the editorial team next term, we strongly encourage you to write for us first. Section editors tend to be selected from our group of best writers.

For article pitches email:

[email protected] if you want to be reporting on the kind of stories that get the whole university talking.

[email protected] if you want your voice to be heard on the important issues we deal with each day in Cambridge.

[email protected] if your college is getting ignored in every “What X is your college” or you’ve got some new ideas to bring to the paper’s most light hearted section

The Tab Team Easter 2017


Eddie Spence (Pembroke) and Dan Edwards (Girton) – [email protected]

Likes: Content, delegation and sacrificing their second year mark for journalism

Dislikes: Threats of legal action


Deputy Editors

Holly Smith (Pembroke), David Grounds (Churchill) and Alexandra Sive (Sidney Sussex)

 Likes: Scheduling, staying up late at night


News Editor

Maxim Hibbs (Queens) – [email protected]

Likes: Gossip, scandal and genuinely important stories

Dislikes: Being asked to promote your event/start up/brand


Investigations Editor

Michael Mcleish (Pembroke)  – [email protected]

Likes: The Freedom of Information Act

Dislikes: Microsoft Excel


Features Editors

Lauren Morris (St Catherines) and Alice Ding (Jesus) – [email protected]

Leila Sackur (Murray Edwards) – Chief Features writer

Likes: Novel meditations on identity

Dislikes: Being compared to Buzzfeed


Opinion Editor

Sam Ashbridge (Magdalene) and Alison Cheung (Caius) – [email protected]

Likes: Well constructed pieces on the important issues (sexuality, university policy, clubbing)

Dislikes: Your opinions on Neoliberalism



Stella Swain (Churchill) – [email protected]

Likes: Well, theatre obviously

Dislikes: You asking to review your mate’s show


Interviews Editor

Georgia Hockenhull (Pembroke) – [email protected]

Likes: Huge Union line ups, selfies with celebrities

Dislikes: Overly lagered politicians dodging the question


Sports Editor

Miles Kekwick (Girton)- [email protected]

Likes: Liveblogging Boat Race/Rugby/Football Varsity/ most Uni sport

Dislikes: Liveblogging Pro-tiddlywinks