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Which Friday Night Dinner character is your Stoke Bishop hall

‘Shalom Jackie’

Jackie – Hiatt Baker

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Sophisticated, fiery and a bit flirty. If you’re from Hiatt Baker Jackie is probably your spirit animal. Jackie is the backbone of Friday Night Dinner each week, cooking up a storm for the family, and with your massive kitchens I’m sure this is a relatable scene. She’s also the first person to go absolutely mental as soon as something goes wrong, and adores her children. Ok, so you probably don’t have two grown up children, but I’m willing to bet there’s someone you’ve made dinner for, cuddled, and put to bed after a long night.

Martin – University Hall

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Martin can be frequently observed walking around the kitchen topless, stuffing his face with as much food as possible and spooning ketchup into his mouth. Sounds a bit like everyone from University Hall. A good heart, loves a bit of friendly banter, but overall just a little bit weird. Cries of "shit on it!" can be heard if you walk around the landscape of UH, if you listen hard enough.

Adam – Wills Hall

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Slightly pretentious, an aspiring musician, incredibly reliant on Mummy and Daddy… sound familiar?? Your dad consistently texts you for updates about your progress with "females", and he’s entitled to considering he paid for your entire university tuition and living budget.

Jonny – Badock

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Jonny’s girlfriend is 43 years old, and his boss, but he’ll take whatever he can get, just like you. He seems successful and cool compared to his brother, but that’s not really saying much. What I’m trying to get at here is that you might pretend to be grown up, independent and successful, but really you’re still a child who can’t wait to have your dinner cooked by Mummy.

Jim – Durdham

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Jim can only be described as a complete nutcase with no friends who turns up unexpectedly out of the blue when everyone would rather he didn’t. I’m not saying that if you’re from Durdham you’re like Jim, but has anyone actually met anyone from Durdham?? Do you all own dogs and scavenge for food off of your Stoke Bishop neighbours, attempting to fit into your new surroundings by shouting "shalom!" Creepy.