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Lizard Lounge is returning to Bristol in time for Freshers’ Week

Long live Lounge

Bristol's beloved Lizard Lounge is set to make a comeback on September 20th in time for this year's Freshers' Week.

Lizard Lounge will be replacing The Lounge Clifton, which opened in January this year.

The founder of the legendary club, John Lounge

The original managers of the Triangle club were hit with an outpour of loyalty from Lounge fans after making the decision to rebrand the venue as The Lounge Clifton.

Now re-opening as Lizard Lounge, the nightclub will be run by the original team who have decided to give the Bristolian public back the chilled, cheesy, classic night they have been calling out for since the new year.

It has always been the people that make Lounge so great

Lizard Lounge is set to host student nights from Mondays to Thursdays, as well as brilliant party nights on the weekend.

In a statement the original owners said: “We would like to thank our new partners for the shake-up they gave us and the new energy they imbibed but we have been so moved by the loyalty of our customers.

This is where the magic is happening

"It is only fitting that we return the business to the true Lizard Lounge that people know and loved with Toffee Vodka, Jugs of 'green stuff' and the laid back attitude that made the Lizard Lounge an institution.”

Other articles this writer recommends:

1) Goodnight sweet Lizard Lounge, your spirit will be with us forever

2) We went along to the launch night of the new Lizard Lounge and it turns out it’s basically still the same